Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

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Re: Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

Post by Brendan »

Thanks for your positive thoughts Marty. If I get any better results with Gasket-Valves for the Trochilus without front screws I'll let you know.

In the meantime, the DIY route seems your best bet. Glueing on valves is not difficult after you've had a bit of practice. I suggest put in an hour doing that, practicing initially on an old harp, and you should find it becomes pretty fast and easy.
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Re: Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

Post by Marty »

Mucho Gracias for the encouragement Brendan. Knowledge has organizing Power and it always feels good to be autonomous.

Where I’m a bit spooked is doing the valves on the inside plate where it meets the comb. Here they need to be within the boundaries of the comb chamber, otherwise the misalignment of the valves could easily interfere with the air tightness, ie stopping the comb from being flush and tight against the plate.

But as you say, practise will overcome!

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Re: Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

Post by Brendan »

I've checked: there's plenty of room inside the Trochilus comb chambers for valves, so have no fear 👍
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Re: Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

Post by Marty »

Thanks for your encouragement Brendan. I was successful 1/2 valving my Trochilus! Took a little trial and error, sticky fingers, toothpicks, little drops of glue, using one hand to steady the other, jewelers glasses to zoom in, marking the center of the reed slot, a bit of swearing ...

But... she really sounds sweet now with all the extra bending... YES!
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Re: Gasket Valves for JDR Trochilus harmonicas?

Post by Brendan »

Well done Marty! The next one you do will be faster :)
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