Brendan Power

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Lucky 13 in PowerBender tuning

Easily play 8 Positions and 11 Keys!


PowerBender is my personal favourite diatonic harp tuning, and it's becoming increasingly popular among players who like to jazz up their playing with easy draw-bending technique throughout the whole range of the harp. It replaces all the middle octave overblows of Richter with simple draw bends. However, overblows are still available on every single hole to play fully chromatically if you wish. But even with just draw bends, PowerBender allows you to play easily in 11 keys. Hear how in this video.

The Lucky 13 version of PowerBender duplicates the low octave to give you awesome low chording and octave possibilities, as well as allowing you to extend your bluesy runs lower down the harp. Here’s the Tuning Diagram:

Check out more videos using PowerBender tuning.


Tuning Diagram
The Lucky 13 PowerBender is available in all 12 keys. Heaven in a blues harp! Watch the video to hear the Lucky 13 PowerBender in action.
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